When I was done talking with superficial mama, I went home. I was hoping to play video games with Marshall and Jeff. I expected that they would be playing right now, it was already getting pretty late. But, they weren't on the couch or in the kitchen. I didn't bother calling for them. There's only two places they'd be in our house, which is the living room and the kitchen. They're not really room people. Plus, there's no way that my night owl friends would be in bed yet. Maybe they're on a date with their girls already, without telling me?
Well, I decided I would go to my room since aparently I'm alone. My dream has been on my mind all day. So, I did what I normally do when I'm curious, which I often am. I googled it. I typed in "what a dream means graveyard". Cause I wonder if that could mean anything, as to why my dream was in a graveyard? I came up with a result that said dream dictionary. Aparently, there's a dictionary to tell you meaning of symbols in dreams, who knew! This is what it said for graveyard:
To dream that you are at a graveyard, represents the discarded aspects of yourself. You may be fearing the unknown. Alternatively, the graveyard indicates a loss or a period of mourning.
When I read that, my mouth fell to the floor. It fell to the floor! Because that is somewhat true. I feel as if I have to throw away part of myself for a woman otherwise she won't like me, but of course I want her to get me and like me as I am. And, I am fearing the unknown. I want a girlfriend, and a future. That certainly is the unknown.
Then I decided it was time for bed, I had a renewed vigor to have a dream. Maybe I'll have another dream that will tell me something about myself?
I was in....I didn't even know where I was. I just knew I was staring at a lake, and there were tall hills, or mountains or something in the background. The whole landscape was gray and lifeless.
I turned around, and I started to run. I didn't know where to run, I just needed to get out of this vast emptiness. At least in this direction it was something, there were trees! Too bad they all had to be dead. In fact, it seemed as if the whole world was dead. I didn't see any people, nothing. Is this a dead world? Did everyone suddenly die?
But, I was wrong. I did see someone. A man dressed all in black slowly approaches me. His skin was an odd pale gray color, matching the landscape. He called to me in some foreign language I didn't recognize,
"Oooble dooble dee! Doo da! DO DA!"
Clearly he was calling to me, but I had no clue what he wanted of me, or if he was dangerous. But I didn't really think he was dangerous, because my instincts didn't tell me to run, so I just stood there.

He came up to me and put on these odd goggles. They were very heavy and smelled of an odor I didn't recognize. It wasn't gross though. It was just....undescribable. It smelled like nothing I ever smelled before. A strange screen flickered in the goggles with some text in some foreign language with squiggly lines that I didn't think was possible. I didn't think that it could be possible to have lines that way, but there they were.
And then, strangely I could understand him.
"I am Plunter. I am here to show you what has happened to this poor planet, follow me."
I couldn't believe that what he said was in perfect English! It was as if the goggles could make me understand any language and translate it to my foreign tongue-and they weren't even on my ears.
He showed me to his house which didn't look like much of a house to me. Like everywhere else here, it was empty except for this little building. I noticed a girl-who appeared to be his teenage daughter. She laughed at me, as if I was the one wearing weird clothes! Forget her!
"Aren't you going to show me in your house?"
I was hoping that I could see his house, since he's strange his house must look pretty interesting as well.
"No. I am going to show you the dome."
So, for some reason we came to his house, yet we didn't go in it. I had a feeling that his house was underground, which would be even cooler to see than I would've thought!
We then arrived at a vast dome and were intantly inside of it.
"This dome is what helps my people survive. Without it, we would die. This is the only place where we have grace or fertile soil, our outside environment is too intense. This is about the only time of the year that it feels normal. But this weather lasts for only a day. You happen to be here at the best time of the year."
I was surprised that I was here during the best time of the year! I wondered what it was like every other day, but afraid to ask at the same time.
I continued to look through the glasses at the immense grass, shrubery, and occasional plant. It amazed me how this was the one fertile spot in this whole place. It was strangely beautiful. This place even seemed to posses a different aura.
When I woke up again, I decided to look something up. My dream was even more interesting than the graveyard dream. I searched for the same dream dictionary that I used yesturday, and searched "alien planet" since that's where it seems I was in my dream. When there were no search results for that, I searched for just plain planet instead.
To see a planet in your dream, signifies creativity, exploration, and new adventures. You are trying to align yourself with untapped energies that you never knew you had. Alternatively, to dream of planets, suggests that you are trying to escape from your own waking reality.
Though I didn't technically 'see' the planet, the rest was perfectly correct. Creepily correct. I want something new in my life-that could mean a new adventure or exploration. I do have 'untapped' energies, I suppose. That could mean, like with a woman or something. I also am trying to escape from my waking reality sometimes. How could this be so right? Who new that a subconsious could dig so...deep?
I went downstairs to make breakfast, I felt like waffles. Unfortuanatly I burnt them. I fail. As always, Jeff wouldn't let me hear the end of it.
"Alex, thanks so much. Burnt waffles again. Love ya!"
"Jeff, you can never stop mocking me on my cooking! You're lucky that I don't make you cook."
"Yeah, but I'm even worse than you. And besides. If you told me I was the one that would have to cook, I would just pour everyone cereal all the time."
"Really? You'd eat that?"
He shrugged.
"At least it's healthy."
I knew that was a lie. I know he wants to look good for girls, but I don't consider him a "healthy" person. Active? Yes, but not healthy. He probably would be fine going out to eat all of the time though.
"Hey, so did you guys go out with Stella and Trista last night or something?"
"Yeah, we went on a double date! We had dinner. It was really nice. Trista and I really...'bonded'."
Jeff is so inappropriate sometimes.
"Tell me about it."
"Well, she's really into cooking and painting. Maybe one day I could get her to cook for us! She'd be really sexy in an apron. And, we'd have good food for once!"
"Good! I'd love her to come cook dinner for us. Then you guys could stop complaining about my cooking."
"What about you, Marhall? How was Stella?"
"Well, she's really sexy, but she's kinda quiet. Which is sexy. I wish I knew more about her, I know little. It will be fun to try to dig for info from her..."
Marshall is not only attracted to blonde women, but he also likes for them to be mysterious. He likes the game of digging in them to find out how they are.
Jeff speaks up, "So, how about we go to the gym now? I need to work on my abs some more. Trista thinks they're hot, so I have to keep them up!"
Jeff, always trying to please the ladies 'visually'! But really, it was about time we went to the gym. Last time we went was on Sunday.
So we got there and started to warm up. I really don't like being on the treadmill, but at least I'm not fat. I'd rather be on the treadmill for hours than being fat. Fat young men are just...sad.
It wasn't too long until the girls were here. "Hey baby, I missed you."
Jeff turned his head. "Oh, hey Trissy! I missed you too."
Wow, so he already has a nickname for her. Just another lame nickname to add to the list of the nicknames guys give to their girlfriends.
"Could you come down?"
"Sure, Trissy."
Jeff is such a flirt.
"Hey Marshie. How are you?"
"I'm splendid now that you're here!"
Really, Marshall is so weird with girls. He loves them blonde, mysterious, thinks calling them Paris Hilton is a compliment, and he uses weird words around them. Really, splendid? I think he thinks that the girls think that the use of such words is hot or something? It's not, or at least it isn't to me. I don't have a girl brain though, of course.
"Hey, you wanna go somewhere, Stellie?"
And there goes another thing. Jeff and Marshall are one in the same. They always were ever since I've known them. Marshall follows whatever Jeff does, all the way down to nicknames of girls. He's the copy cat and I'm the third wheel. My group of friends is so messed up!
I was also pretty sure that the girls were here because they knew that Marshall and Jeff would be here. They probably told them. And of course since they're Marshall and Jeff, they couldn't resist them and wanted to see them right away.
I really don't want to follow anyone else in my life. I don't want to be Marshall. I also don't want anyone to copy me because of what I do-Jeff. I want to be my own person-and I am, I just need to do something better about it. I need the cake. I already have the sprinkles, but I need the cake-the base. My life lacks substance. What will ever be able to provide my substance?
Just so you guys know, those dream dictionary defintion what-cha-ma-call-its, are really the real, word for word defintions in a dream dictionary on the internet! They really do exist.
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