Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chapter 6

Soon enough, everyone showed up.  I really had time to contemplate over what Mr. Simmons said- 'sometimes you're blind to what's right under you're nose'-or it was something like that.  We did have some small chatter after that till everyone came, but none of it is worth repeating.

This is what came in my mind when he said that to me: I am blind to what's right under my nose.  Hmm...What could he mean?  I am blind to something in my life that could give me happiness, to what I've always been longing for?  Hmm, let's see-is there something like that in my life?  Not much occurs.  I live with my friends who have girls when I don't, and I have an...interesting job.  What else is there?  Well, grandpa the other day in my dream basically agreed that I needed something in my life, though he went to the girl angle.  Oh wait!  That's it!  Dreams.  That could be something I could do!  My dreams always seem so strange, and they're always pointing things out to me that my consious mind will not tell me.  I shall pursue dreams!

Throughout much of the meeting I was contemplating this. After work, I am off to the library to research dreams!  What else am I ignorant of that they will give me?

Anywy, the girl sitting next to me is Corrie Jacobson.  She is one of the ad designers.  She's just your typical woman, there isn't much to say about her.  The woman in the bun is Meghan Ramunda.  She is another ad desisigner.  She is really into fashion, and has been divorced twice.  The blonde girl next to her is her daughter, Jade.  She is only sixteen.  She works as our cashier.  There is another cashier that works full time when she's not there, but he usually doesn't show up to the meetings.  And finally, the brown haired man is Jack Euclid.  He is a door to door salesman like me.  I really don't like him one bit.  He is a smart ass, a big mouth.  That sort of thing.

As usual, Mr. Simmons desk was full of stuff.  Neatness isn't one of his qualities.
"Welcome, welcome everyone.  Thank you for coming, even though I'm sure you have a very busy schedule!  Oh wait-I'm the reason you have a busy schedule!  You have no choice but to come!"
Mr. Simmons, always joking, even during a 'formal' event.  The other cashier was invited, but Mr. Simmons doesn't really make him come.  None of us especially like him.  He is a only an okay cashier.  Mr. Simmons wouldn't dare fire him though, because he has connections with some of our merchandisers, and we get discounts and advantages thanks to him.  At least he's not in an upper position.

"So, how have your jobs been going lately?  Any concerns, or news you would like to bring up?"

As always, Jack just had to dominate the conversation.  And first.
"Well, our customers have been responding very well with me recently.  I had one guy buy a piano, a drum set, and a guitar!  I make 25,000 simoleons from that guy!  And there was also this lady who bought ten antique records, and from her I made a whopping 50,000 simoleons."
Mr. Simmons is such a suck up for what Jack wants him to be.  Curse you Jack.
"Very good, Jack!  I am quite impressed.  Nice work!"
"I've also computed an average.  70% of the customers I approach buy something!  I'm telling you, it's my mad persuasion skills!  You couldn't do any better, I'm sure, Alex."
I just ignored him.

"How about you, Alex?  How have the customers been responding to you?"
The customers never respond as well to me, but I had to stretch the truth.  How could I top what Jack just said?
"Oh, it's been going...quite well, very well in fact...I have sold ten CD's and one piano to one person....And, well, a lot of small things to many people."
Wow, that sounded so lame.  Yup.  I am such a bad salesman as long as Jack is in the same company as me!
"That's wonderful, Alex."  He smiled whole heartedly, but not for the same reason he smiled at Jack.  He likes him as a salesman, but he likes me as a person.  At least more so than he likes Jack.  If it was all about personalities here, he'd so be fired.  At least that's what I think.

"How about you, Jade?  How have the customers been going for you?"
"Oh, very well, sir.  But-um-I don't know what else there is to mention...I am just a cashier, nothing else.  I don't have statistics like-um-Jack does."
She is really a very pretty girl, but she is quite shy.  I don't blame her, she's in a room full of adults.
"And how about you, Meghan, how have your ad been coming along?"
"Oh, it's going quite well, thank you.  It is for both Corrie and I.  I have a photo session planned tomorrow.  A lady will be playing the piano, and another will be lounging on it."
Mr. Simmons just loves to put girls in his ads.  He wants them all young and pretty, just looking delicate.  I don't even know what to think of it.  At least he's not married, he got divorced a long time ago.  Though it's none of my business, I think it's because she thought he was too childish.
"Oh yes-and um...I want someone to do an errannd for me in Neverglade.  I ordered some records there, and they won't bring it here unless we want to pay extra-a big amount.  Aaron said he couldn't get them to make it free for us this time."
Aaron often is able to get us reduced prices, free shipping, but aparently not this time.  Mr. Simmons is too cheap to pay for shipping.  So instead we get to drive there.  It's three hours away, a long, painful ride.  Luckily we can use the company car and he pays for gas.  It doesn't save us that much, but it still is somewhat cheaper.  Which makes sense to Mr. Simmons.
Well, my grandparents live in a nursing home in Neverglade.  It's not that they're super old and full of disease and imobile, or even that they have Alzheimers.  It's a long story...It will all become aparent sooner or later.  It was about time I paid them a visit, "I'd be willing to go, Mr. Simmons."
"Great!  You'll be leaving tomorrow, bright and early!  You just go there to get the records, and lollygag as long as you want once you're done!  Just make sure I get them tomorrow at 9:00.  I will text you the deets when you get there."
Mr. Simmons is mostly a modern old man, besides shaving, at least.  He is a strange man, and yet he doesn't understand me.  I know, it doesn't make sense, but often he doesn't make sense.
"Sounds good Mr. Simmons, thank you."
"You can take the company car whenever you're ready.  I'll pay back the gas money when you get back.  Okay, guys, this meething is ajourned.  The main thing I wished to accomplish was figuring out who would get the records, and now that is all figured out.  You may all get back to work with your regular jobs!"
As everyone left, Mr. Simmons told me, "Thank you so much for willing to take the journey to Neverglade!  It's really quite a long trip, and in thanks, I will give you the rest of the day off."

Yes!  Now I can leave, and go to the library!

I got to the library and immediatly started to look at the books to see any titles that had to do with dreams.  I picked up a book called "Dreams History in Ancient Cultures".

Intrigued, I immediatly started to skim the book. 

...Early information about the analysis of dreams comes from Mesopotamia (the land between the Tigris and Euphrates – part of what is now Iraq). The civilization that existed there around 5,000 BC left behind what is believed to be the world’s first book of dreams — a compilation of dream symbols and their meanings. Sumerians viewed their dreams as signs sent from gods. People had their dreams translated by “dream priests” who foretold the dreamer’s future...

...The Egyptians took many ideas from the Sumerians; they also viewed dreams as messages from gods and created their own Dream Book (currently part of the archives at the British Museum in London). In temples dedicated to Serapis (a Hellenistic-Egyptian god), where special dream interpreters lived, Egyptians celebrated rituals, gave sacrifices and recited prayers in hopes that their dreams would reveal fragments of the future...

The Native Americans have relied on dreams for thousands of years to give them visions to the spirit world.  Many Native Americans claim to aquire visions-a sort of dreamlike state, and in these they gain insight to their lives and what should be done.  The Ghost Dance religion started through such a visiton...

This book really fascinated me.  I spent a long time leafing through it.  I certainly am not the first to find a lot of meaning from my dreams!  That's amazing how such early civilizations could interpret them, and even more so how a sort of dream started a whole religion!  That's insane.

Then I got another book, Dreams, All You Need to Know.  I looked through this book, but I really just scanned certain sections of it.  One thing was especially interesting to me.

What is sleep paralysis?  Sleep paraysis is a period in which you are unable to voluntarily control the movements of your body. This occurs either at sleep onset or upon waking.

I continued to scan the book for a long time, though it didn't feel so while I was reading.  I looked at the clock, and it was getting really late!

After I had a late dinner by myself (yup, Marshall and Jeff were off somewhere with their ladies), I went to bed.  It was astonishly 11:00!  I went to bed with a renewed vigor to dream.

I was in a room all white, everywhere, by my feet, the walls the ceiling-I was surrounded by white.  I was the only color in the room-even the lights were extremly bright!

I was walking over to one wall.  The only thing on the wall was a single, high up small window.

And then I was walking in a hallway.  I just was continuing to walk aimlessly in front of me.  I was lacking thought.  I was walking without thinking or feeling any emotion.

I passed through the window in front of me, unfazed.  Then I walked to another small window, and appeared in another hallway.

This time I paused for a minute.  In front of me were two windows instead of one.  I passed through those windows as well.

Once I passed that window, I arrived in a room instead of a hallway.  This room had a staircase-the single piece of furniture in the room, and it had color.  I walked up the stairs as if I was breathing-being the natural thing to do.

I walked and walked aimlessly, for what felt like hours.  I continued to go through hallways and in rooms, up many staircases.  I lost track of where I was.  Whenever I neared a window, instantly I appeared on the other side of it.

And then, I neared an ending point.  The maze had ended, and I reached a dead end.  But I wasn't staring at a bright white wall.  Instead, there was a painting, the only color I've seen this whole time, besides the staircases.  I started to stare intently at it, moving my eyes up and down the lines. 

I became so transfixed with it that I sat down to continue to stare at it.  It was just so beautiful in such a strange way.  In a dream-like way, the painting seemed to speak to me.  It was the reason I was in this building in the first place.

Well, I woke up quite astonished-and kind of excited.  This dream was hazy as all my dreams are, but instead of being dark, it was just overwhelimingly bright.  It felt good to be so devoid of emotion, strangely enough.  I felt renewed.  But once I saw that painting, my mood imediatly changed, and I felt awe and I was inspired-more so than you can ever feel in waking life.  This dream must be telling me something.

This time I looked up 'white'

White represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings. You may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life.�Alternatively, white refers to a clean, blank slate. Or it may refer to a cover-up. In Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning.

The only thing I can say to this is so true.  I have experienced a rebirth in my life, finally.  I have something to live for.  It may not seem like much, but they are really interesting and they will help me get through the day.
Ok guys, that info on dreams is all true, just so you know.  I would also like to say that I didn't come up with the text from those books, except for the part about Native Americans, as I'm reading a book about them for English!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Chapter 5

After I finished reading the dream dictionary entry, I went home, expecting Marshall and Jeff to be playing Man Slaughter II.  But, I was wrong.  Really wrong.  Seriously, what was I thinking?  They were with their girls all day, aparently.  Marshall and Stella were snuggling on the couch, watching some chick flick.  Marshall always wants to make the girl happy, just as Jeff does.  If I was blind, I would swear they were siamese twins or something.

Marshall barely turns his head to me, "Oh, hey Alex!  You're finally back."
"Um-yeah.  Could we talk for a minute?"
I figured he could sacrifice a few minutes to talk with me.  It's not like he's really watching the movie or something.
"Babe, I'm gonna talk to Alex a little bit, kay?"
"Yeah, that's fine.  I'll just finish the rest of the movie."

"So how is it going with Stella?  It seems you guys are really hittin it off!"
"Yeah, we are.  We've really had a nice time!"
"Tell me about her."
"Um-I don't know...I was too busy staring at her to understand half the words she was saying.  Man, girls can really talk!"
I did agree with him in a way, but I too like to talk.  Of course, what girls say usually make sense, but I often don't.  I'm such a ranter.
"I understand Marshall.  You'll get over her good looks and hear her.  You know you'll have to know what she says, or she'll quiz ya later."  How am I even one to talk?  I've never had a girlfriend or anything, but I do know things.  My grandpa Joel has already told me a lot about girls, he used to be a lady's man, but hasn't for years.  So, pretty much he knows all about girls.  I guess he hopes that I'll get a girlfriend, but obviously I don't have one yet.  I want one too, grandpa.

"Yeah...Hey, you mind if Stella stays over tonight?  And-I'm sorry that Marina wasn't there...I guess she was sick.  I'm sorry that we just left you alone like that...It was insensitive of me.  I was just...hypnotized."
Stella came struttin in, right on time.
"The movies over.  Oh, it was so romantic, Marshall."
She gave him the eyes.
"What's this about being hypnotized?"
"Oh-just how you hypnotized me this morning so I'd leave Alex all alone."
Stella ignored the "Alex all alone" part, "Oh, that's so sweet, Marshie!"

Stella took her arms and wrapped them around Marshall.
"Hey-if you ever need some advice about girls, I'm here for you, man."
"But-Grandpa Joel already told me everything I need to know.  Trust me."
"Oh please, Alex!  If he told you everything, you'd already have a girl.  It just takes a little charms and good looks, and you're good to go.  You're half there."
Then Stella whispered something in his ear.  Something about how he's the full package, with the charms and the looks.
"Um-yeah, that's the problem.  I don't know how."
"Yup.  So seriously, Alex, if you need anything, I'm here ready to listen."
At least as much as Marshall always listens, anyway.

Stella was still hanging onto Marshall.  It's disgusting.  It's barely been a few days, and she's already clingy.  I would like to say that this will make Marshall break up with her, that he doesn't like clingy girls and he wants a life outside a girlfriend, but that isn't him.  He always wants to be with them all the time if he has a girl, and he is totally faithful.  The problem is, at least what I think the proble is, he sucks all the juice out of their relationship early.  It's like a fruit tree.  They're in the beginning of their relationship so the were a sappling a few days ago.  And what he's getting now with this full on relationship business-now they're a small little tree with a few little pieces of fruit.  They're quickly taking away all the little fruit that's there.  In relationships, you should start slowly in the beginning, so you have enough fruit for later.  In more mature relationships, you can afford to go overboard with picking, since there's much more fruit and it can grow back.  So, Marshall is always picking the fruit much too fast!  And of course, this is true for Jeff too.  They should learn to keep girls, not to just get them.  Did that analogy even make sense?  That's what I'm talking about.  I can't speak those words out loud, since no one talks that way.  But I would, if only someone would get me.

"I'm going to bed, Marshall.  And-good night Stella...See you guys in the morning."
It was a little awkward with Stella there.  She didn't even say a word to me.  So she's the clingy-'I only talk to my boyfriend, not my boyfriend's friends' kind of girl. Great.

I walked past Jeff's room, and the door was open.  He and Trisha were there, staring at each other, holding each other.  I didn't mean to spy, but how could I help it?  It was as if they were breathing after making out.  As long as no one's woo hooing, I'm good.  Gosh, I hope they won't.  That would be so awkward if Trisha and Jeff, and Stella and Marshall were doing that all night.  I wouldn't be able to sleep a wink, and I'd have nightmares when I would finally be able to sleep.  I haven't even kissed a girl-much less woo hoo with one.  Could I possibly be more lame?
I tried my best not to stare at them another second and leave.  I wish I could be in as much love as my friends were.  Will I ever get there?  It seems unlikely.

When I got in my room, I got a phone call.  At 10:00 at night.  There's only one person who would call me that late.
"Hey Alex, this is Mr. Simmons.  I would like to inform you that I have a meeting slotted for 9:00 tomorrow.  I am sorry to get to you so late, I've forgotten."
It's just like him to forget that he had a meeting scheduled.  He is so disorganized, but still it's nice that he lets all of his employees know what's going on, and even get our opinions.
I wasn't exactly happy, though. "Oh, thanks for the heads up, Mr. Simmons...I'll be there..."

I turned off my phone, and went to bed.

I opened my eyes, barely.  I could barely make out anything in front of me, but I saw that I was in my bedroom, as a person should be when they wake up.  But I could barely open my eyes.  It was as if a force wouldn't let me open my eyes.  They felt sticky, like a watery sugar was keeping them closed.

I was able to make out a body, though.  In my room stood a man.  I couldn't make out his head at all, I just knew that there was someone in my room.  He just stood there, not looking at me, or anything.  Or maybe he was looking at me-maybe he was staring at me, ready to pounce at any minute.  I can picture it now!  I still was having trouble opening up my eyes, they wouldn't budge no matter how hard I tried.  I couldn't move a muscle.  I wanted to get up and run out of my room, but my muscles wouldn't give.

Then, I opened my eyes again and there stood another man.  I could barely see what he was doing, but I could make out his hand very well.  His hand was cupped, and he was slowly walking toward me.  I became panic-striken.

What does this man want from me?  Who are these people?  Does he want to stab me-will a knife appear in his hand once he reaches me?  How did they even get in here?

With all my might, I tried to move my muscles, to slip out on the left side of the bed.  Then I would jump out of the window.  I don't care if I break it and bleed, that would be better than this.  But no, my muscles wouldn't let me.

I closed my eyes, and opened them again.  Once more, the scene changed.  The man was coming closer, and my nerves rose.  But I also noticed a little boy.  This boy seemed to have great power, but I wasn't quite sure what it was.  Something was strange about him, though.  I closed my eyes again.

Then, I woke up.
What a strange dream.  I can't believe I just couldn't open my eyes at all!"

I got up, and went downstairs.  I looked at the clock, and it was 10:00.  Maybe Marshall and Jeff are up, but probably not.

I went down the stairs, and there were Jeff and Marshall.  But Trisha was there too.  I almost forgot that she was here!  Stella was no where in sight, though.
"Good morning sleepy head!  I can't believe it's 10:00 and you haven't even been up yet!  We've been up since 5:00."
That's when I remembered, they often love to get up to have an early breakfast.
"What, do you guys want breakfast or something?  Well, I'm sorry I woke up so late.  My bad."
"Oh no, it's ok, Alex.  We've just been waiting to share some news with you."

I was pretty confused.  It's only been a night since I've seen them, and they already have news?
"Oh yeah...what kind of news?"
"Dude!  Alex!  It's about Stella.  We woo hooed up a storm last night.  And so did Tasha and Jeff!  Stella is pregnant, and she's at the hospital getting an ultra sound.  Isn't it great?  I'm gonna be a father, and I'm going to take no responsibilty for it what so ever!  Awesome, huh?"
Then I woke up for real. Huh.  It was only just a dream.  Thank GOSH.

Naturally, I hopped on my laptop to look up a few things.
I looked up 'eyes', and I skimmed the few paragraphs.  The last paragraph was relevant to my dream

To dream that you cannot open your eyes, indicates that there is a waking situation that you are just plain refusing to see or acknowledge. Alternatively, your inability to open your eyes may be physiological in reason. When we sleep, our eyes are closed (no kidding). So in dreaming that you are trying to open your eyes, your mind may actually be telling you to really open your eyes to the point where you actually wake up.

What is it that I'm failing to see?  Is that even true for me?  Surely I know exactly what I want.  And what I know is, I haven't found it yet.  I just wish I could, but I haven't yet.  And wow, I've never thought about that before!  Duh I couldn't open my eyes because it had to do with my sleeping, so it transferred to the dream world!  So I guess that also goes along with my not being able to wake up.

Then I looked at my watch, oh crap!  8:45.  I better be getting to the meeting.  Oh joy...

I put on my best clothes, ready to face what was about to occur.  Though Mr. Simmons isn't formal, he still insists that we dress nice when we have our meetings.  I think it's because he wants to be taken seriously.

When I arrived, no one was there.  Mr. Simmons was just sitting down.  He acknowledged me without looking, "Hello, Alex.  Good morning."
"Um-where is everyone?"
"That's not important.  Come, sit."

So, I sat.  What is going on?
He looked nice in his fancy suit, and yet he didn't shave.  How contradictory.  But so Mr. Simmons.  He hates to shave really close.  I think he still uses an old fashioned knife.
"I called you an hour early to the meeting.  I wanted to talk.  You've seemed so down lately, so I thought this would be the perfect time to converse.  What's been bothering you?"
Well, this is nice.  Mr. Simmons has always looked out for me.  He is like a fatherly figure for when I don't want to speak with my dad.  My kind of hard to talk to.  He's nothing like me.  But if anything, Mr. Simmons is closer in personality than he is.  He gets me better, though my dad tried his hardest to understand me too.
"Well-you're right.  Something has been bothering me..."
There was a long pause.
"And, what is that?"
"Well, I guess it's everything.  My life is a consistent line, always horizontal."
He gave that face that says 'come on, don't get all Alex on me, I want to help you, not listen to your strange analogies'.
"How so?"
As long as I sound normal, he is always a great listener.
"Well, I feel like my life needs some pizazz.  Some spice, and I'm not quite sure what that is."
I convieniently left out the wanting a girl part, that would be weird to talk to him about.
"Well, this is what I'll tell you.  Sometimes, you're blind to what's right under your nose."
And I knew exactly what he meant.


Ooo! Mysterious!  Do you guys think you knew what Mr. Simmons is saying?  Do you think Alex knows what it is that could be the answer?  Please, comment and guess.  I won't tell you if you're right though, but I'll applaud you in the next chapter if you were right, though ^_^.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Chapter 4

Marashall and Jeff immediatly stopped excercising, even though we just got here.  Like the romantic guys they are, they started walking with them on piggy back.  Clearly, somehow they planned this.  They told Stella and Tasha that we were going to be here to excersice, and for some reason, they show up.  If they really wanted to get together, couldn't they just ask?  I don't know what their logic is behind that.  It's not possible that they came here just to excercise, they're not even wearing proper clothes. And I knew perfectly well why...that other girl I was with wasn't with them.  But, my suspicions were  proved when I heard Marshall and Stella whispering.  I have hawk ears, and no one ever seems to get that.

"Where's Marina?  I don't really feel comfortable just leaving Alex here alone.  It's not really nice."
"Oh-um...she is...she's sick, yeah she's sick.  She couldn't come.  Please, can't we go somewhere."
Marshall turned around to look at her, and she gave these eyes that would make any guy melt.
"Yeah-Alex is fine.  Let's go.  He wants to excercise, anyway.  He wouldn't want to come with us."

Yeah, she pretty much hates me.  She doesn't think I'm smooth like Jeff and Marshall, which I'm not.  Who could blame her?  I would never go for a girl that doesn't understand though.

Well, I was at the gym for a while, sweatin away.  I really hate jogging on the treadmill, but I would also hate being fat too.  And if I were fat, then what would I have then?  I don't have any talent, I'm not good with girls, so at least I have a good body.  If I could take a pill that would make me sleek and muscular, without doing anything else, I would take it in a heartbeat.
After I got bored and tired of jogging, I felt like walking.  My parents had this thing of walking.  They always claimed that it freed their mind, and that's what they always do.  It's their "thing".  I would love to meet a girl one day where we have a "thing" like they do.  And they're right, it does free your mind.  Somehow, it makes me happier.

Eventually, I found myself at Billy's Tunes, so I decided to go in.  I wasn't expecting Mr. Simmons to be there (he hates working on Mondays), and he wasn't, and no one else was.  I have the place to myself.

For some reason, I was feeling a little tired.  I was excersing a lot, between jogging on the treadmill and walking here, so that should be a given.  I'm just surprised I hadn't fainted while walking from exhaustion.  So I decided a little coffee would be nice.  Upstairs there's a little break room with a coffee maker, a mini fridge, and a little table.  It's a really cute, nice place to settle down.  Mr. Simmons doesn't mind if we're up here, even if it's not during our work hours.  He doesn't mind much.  He pretty much never gets mad, and he lets us do almost anything with in reason that we like here, and with work in general.  He's the type of boss that you would want to have.

So I found myself a seat, and started to drink my coffee.  The coffee here is good.  Mr. Simmons bought it once while he was in France.  It's really expensive and amazing.  It has so many settings on it.  I made this fancy coffee with foam on the top.  Foam signifies perfect coffee.  I do drink coffee sometimes when I'm feeling icky or sleepy.  My logic is that it's way better than drinking alcohol, so how is coffee that bad for you?

Somehow, I was still sleepy even after drinking my coffee.

I decided I would take a nap.  I walked over to the little sofa in the room, and I drifted to sleep.

I was in a very dark room.  The walls were cobblestone, and the floors were stone as well, everything was gray.  In front of me were bars.  Right away, I knew exactly where I was.  I was in prison.

I can't believe that I just had to rob Billy's Tunes!  I was getting so jealous of Mr. Simmons...Why must he always be the one on top?  I want to be the boss for once!  But I can't do that, so how is stealing so bad?  Isn't stealing better than taking over someones job as boss?  I would say it is!  Screw Mr. Simmons!

I looked at the wall, and I saw my writing that I wrote a few weeks ago.  I did that thing where I knew what it said but I didn't really read it, it said "We have sown the seeds of sin this is our punishment".  I could barely make out the words, and when I tried to read it I became dizzy, and my view was darker.

And then I looked around my cell some more.  I recalled a few accidents that had occured.
I can't believe that I had to mess my cell up so!
I looked at the mirror.
Jamelle was asking for it!  I broke that mirror for a reason.  He was pissing me off so much.
I had aparently pounded my fist so hard on the mirror that I had caused it to crack.
I got hurt so bad after I did that!  But Jamelle was a f****** f**.  He deserved it!
Then I turned my attention to the toilet and toilet paper.
I can't believe that one day I was just going to the bathroom, and the toilet just fell under me!  And no one would even replace it for me!  And they couldn't even replac the toilet paper either.  How f****** hard is that to do?

Life here sucks balls.

Then I heard thumping coming closer and closer.  I felt something go down my throat, and I quickly became woozy, losing my barings completly.

I woke up and I was in some kind of a wooden cage. I was naked from head to toe, but luckily I still had underwear on.  I tried myself to not freak out.

What happened?  Why am I here?  What the f*** happened?  What went down my throat?  Holy s***, I'm wearing underwear!

I suddenly became self consious, but also glad that I got little food so I could at least not look bad in my underpants.

I looked in front of me, and what I saw came straight from a horror film.  There were all sorts of torture devices everywhere, blood, and even parts of a corpse!  On the table were some types of chemicals that could do who knows what!

Oh my f****** llama, did she give me one of those chemicals?  Probably poison.  What's gonna happen to me?

I started to feel woozy all over again, who knows what's going to happen to me after having some sort of a deadly poison!

But I also noticed there was a woman.  Her body looked normal, she wasn't even ugly.  But she wasn't exactly human...she was...something.  Her head was sort of a pyramid thing, and she had this....thing in her hand.

What is she going to do to me?

There was nothing I could do but stand there, I already tried to get out by shoving myself against the grate, but nothing was working.  In vain, I call out "Help!!  Please, can somebody help me?"

To my horror, she comes walking over to me.  She was quite pretty, and yet utterly horrifying.  She was only pretty if you ignored her extreme aura, and her aura was utterly chilling.  If I wasn't in a cage, I probably would've fainted.
"There's no use in calling.  Everyone is in their cells, rotting.  Rotting!  But you-I want you.  You are the best looking of all my inmates.  And therefore, you must parish!"

She had very strange logic, but since it was a dream, I deemed it true.  I was starting to act perfectly hysterical.
The end is near.  And I've never even had a girlfriend yet!  Maybe grandpa was right...
I was willing to admit defeat, as I had no choice.
"Yes, I understand.  I am much too macho and good looking to survive!  I must parish."
Really, I couldn't believe the words I had just uttered, but it didn't really matter anyway.  I was a goner!

Then, I heard this really strange "harump, harump..." sound, and creepy pyramid lady runs out to see what it is.  I figured a machine of some sort stopped working.  And to my utter, complete happiness, a lovely lady comes rushing in.  I couldn't see her face very well, but I knew she was beautful.
"I've come to save you!  Quick, where's the key?"
Then all of a sudden, I saw the key on the spiny toture device behind her.
Thank llama that someone has come to rescue me!  And she's a lovely lady!  I will live, I will LIVE!
"It's over there, on that spiky table thing behind you!"

She opened it up rather easily, and that's when I noticed the cage was suspended slightly over the ground, so when she opened it, she carried me out.  I smelled her hair, and it smelled so good, but I had no idea what it specifically smelled like. I whispered in her ear,
"Thank you so much for saving me!  I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come.  You're my hero!"
She gave me a really bright, brilliant smile.  Her teeth were so white, they glimmered.
"Oh, it's my pleasure.  Really, it is." She raised her eyebrow. "Now come on, let's get out of here before freak lady comes back."

She and I started to run like hell.  Outside, it had a creepy aura, but it didn't smell as bad as death.  Instead, the atmosphere was cold, and all around it was foggy.  I could barely see my feet.  I think the only reason why I was able to run was because she was so close to me, and I was consious that our hands were practically touching.  I could run so fast, just because she was giving me the strength to.  If she wasn't there, I was sure I would collapse.  I didn't even care that I was outside, running in my underwear.  And luckily, she wasn't either.

But then, we could here pyramid freak lady running quickly behind us.  She was catching up really fast.  She seemed to me to be possessed.  But she and I just continued to run, even faster.  I could feel the energy coiming from her, which gave me the agility to run as fast as she was.
"You will pay for this!  I will find you!  You will never leave my gaze.  I know where you are at all times, no matter what.  What has been done cannot be left undone!"
I felt a little threatened by her remark, but the girl just looked at me, giving me more strength by her glance.  She was telling me that as long as I was with her, I was safe.  And I couldn't help but believe her.
We continued to run off into the night, and pyramid lady seemed to have disapeared.  It was just as this girl said, she would protect me as long as I was with her.  So I just wanted to stay with her.

As we walked, the buildings just became stranger and creepier.  But it was like I was shielded by its true aura, because I was standing next to this girl who could over come a lot of it.

Then, we stopped when we came by this large building.  She drew me toward her.  I again could smell that same scent from when I sniffed her hair.  It was unmistakeably coming from her, but the smell wasn't Rosemary, or roses, lemons, or even hairspray or shampoo.  The smell was unlike a smell never smelled before.

She started to edge closer to me.  My heart sped so fast, it threatened to fall out of my chest.
Oh my gosh, it's happening.  I'm finally going to get kissed!  My grandfather was wrong!  I am going to have a girlfriend long before I die.  She is the one for me.

I pursed my lips awkardly, waiting for her beautiful plump lips to meet mine.


I woke up completly and perfectly disapointed.  It was a very strange dream.  I was a prisoner, and I was because I stole from Mr. Simmons?  Well, that part made me laugh.  I like him a lot, I would never steal from him.  Though maybe I am a little jealous because he makes the rules, and pretty much runs this whole place.  I mean, who wouldn't want that?

But really, I just couldn't believe how much I swore.  I rarely swear, but I guess because I was a prisoner, I began to get really frustrated and was all 'screw it' and started to swear a lot.  The whole dying thing was perfectly and utterly creepy.  I really felt like I was going to die.  Ah, what dreams can do.  How they can make me feel! And speaking of feel: being with that girl in my dream just felt amazing, absolutely amazing.  She had some sort of a power to her that drew me to her.  I hate that I couldn't even kiss her, even if it was s dream.  And her hair-it was exactly like Marina's is.  Gosh, I just can't help it!  Her hair was so beautiful...
Then I decided to go up into the office.  It's a room for all of the marketing people and Mr. Simmons.  Any employee is allowed in here, even if you don't need to use the computers for work.  Mr. Simmons is just cool like that.  Plus, I think I'm also his favorite employee.  I've known him since I was a kid, and he always thought I was a nice friend for Jeff, so he treats me well.  That's partially why he's so leanient with my hours, and simply my being late.

I looked up "prison" and this is what I found.

To dream that you are in prison, indicates that you are being censored in some area of your life. You feel that your creativity is being limited and that you are not allowed to express yourself.
To see someone else in prison in your dream, signifies an aspect of yourself that you are unable to express freely.

To dream that you or someone is released from prison, means that you need to make some major changes in your waking life. Eventually, you will overcome your obstacles.

The first part is definitly right.  I am not fully able to express myself.  Whenever I try to act all 'me-ish' on Marshall and Jeff, I'm shot down hard.  But they don't really mean it-they just don't understand me.  They don't understand that there's another part to me that they fail to see and fail to get.  It doesn't help that I have no one to fully express myself to.  And the creativity thing doesn't even ..go with me at all.  How exactly am I creative?  The middle thing didn't even happen, and for the last one, I was released.  Kinda...  I need some major changes in my life?  Yeah, that's an understatement.  That's my whole point, lately.  I hope that I will overcome it-I want it to happen. And soon.